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Consent to Information Sharing and Gathering

I hereby give my permission for Holistic Health Hub to share personal information with other service providers in connection with my care, including accessing and sharing my Summary care records (electronic records of important patient information such as current medication, allergies and details of any previous bad reactions to medicines, created from GP medical records). I agree to a referral being made to a specialist clinic, in order to support my needs. I understand that Holistic Health Hub may hold information gathered about me from the various agencies and as such my rights under the Data Protection Act will not be affected.

Statement of Consent:


  • I understand that personal information is held about me

  • I agree that personal information about me may be shared and gathered from the following agencies:

    • My GP practice

    • My nominated community pharmacy 

    • CQC registered clinic

Your consent to share personal information is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw your consent at any time. Should you have any questions about this process, or wish to withdraw your consent please contact:

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